
BSc and BEng Projects
MSc Projects

A parametric study of the energy extraction potential when harvesting wave energy for powering of ships

A sensitivity study of variations in the sampling frequency - The effect on response statistics and spectral moments

Design and motion analysis of fish farms for exposed seas

Development of an Artic FRC through a hull supplementation composite structure

Exterior and interior waves with their effects on closed fish cages

Further development of a seakeeping solver

Numerical wave tanks and comparison with measurements

Numerical and Experimental Verification of lift from an asymmetric hydrofoil

Numerical Simulation of Propeller Underwater Radiated Noise

Ocean wave interaction with wind turbine foundations

Optimisation of an efficient wave energy buoy concept

Optimisation of LNG terminals at exposed sites

Partly defined projects on wave, motion and data analysis

Propeller Cavitation Prediction using Potential Flow Simulations

Re-optimization of a 15MW -scale floating wind platform using UHPC-concrete over steel construction

Right tug to the right place - A predictive tool

Sea state estimation from autonomous surface vehicles

Seakeeping of wind farm installation vessels during jacking operations

Ship-to-ship LNG bunkering at sea

Solar powered port cabins