About the centre
Maritime DTU is the point of contact for cross-cutting collaboration between DTU and external parties, including businesses, authorities, and other universities. In addition, Maritime DTU is represented in relevant maritime steering groups and partnerships.

Steering committee for Maritime DTU
The advisory board decides the overall strategy for the work of Maritime DTU
Rasmus Larsen Professor Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science rlar@dtu.dk
Hans Nørgaard Hansen Head of Department, Professor, PhD, Dr. techn., R. Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering hnha@dtu.dk
Mette Wier Professor, Head of Department Department of Technology, Management and Economics mwier@dtu.dk
Kim Dam-Johansen Professor, Head of Department Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering KDJ@kt.dtu.dk
Lars-Ulrik Aaen Andersen Head of Department Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering luaa@dtu.dk
Friedrich Wilhelm Köster Director of institute, Professor National Institute of Aquatic Resources fwk@aqua.dtu.dk
Advisory Board
Casper Svendsen
Senior Manager
Head of Control Systems Two-Stroke
Valdemar Ehlers
Danske Maritime
Technical Director
Kiki Larsen
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS)
Business Development and Funding Manager
Marianne Winther
Danske Havne
International Adviser
Ole Graa Jakobsen
A.P. Møller - Mærsk
Vice President and Head of Fleet Technology
Per Winther Christensen
Danish Shipping
Head of Technical Affairs
Rikke Wetter Olufsen
Deputy Director General
Maritime professor group
The maritime professor group is the academic contact point for Maritime DTU
David Pisinger Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics dapi@dtu.dk
Marie Münster Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics maem@dtu.dk
Harry Bradford Bingham Professor Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering hbbi@dtu.dk
Björn Anders Gustav C Erlandsson Head of Section, Professor Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering acerl@dtu.dk
Anker Degn Jensen Professor Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering aj@kt.dtu.dk
Jacob Østergaard Professor, Head of Division Department of Wind and Energy Systems jaos@dtu.dk